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Taurus New Moon and Solar Eclipse

Writer's picture: Tricia Duffy FoggoTricia Duffy Foggo

The Taurus New Moon/Solar Eclipse will occur on April 30, 2022 at 1:27 pm (PDT), 4:27 pm (EDT), 5:27 pm (ADT), 9:27 pm (London) and on May 1, 2022 at 6:27 am (Sydney), adjust for your time zone wherever you are in the world.

The New Moon coming this Saturday is worth paying attention to!

It might shake you up, wake you up or otherwise change your life in surprising ways...

Here is what you need to know about this New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Taurus:

It is the second New Moon of the Month, so you can call it a Black Moon. There is usually one new Moon a month, it is uncommon to have two (they occur about every 2 1/2 years or so).

The first eclipse of the year will occur at this New Moon. When there is an eclipse at the New Moon, it is a Solar Eclipse. The Moon moves between the Sun and the Earth and casts a shadow over the Earth (this eclipse is a partial one, not a full one).

The eclipse will occur on the Taurus/Scorpio axis. If you have your North Node, Sun, Moon or other placements in Taurus or Scorpio, this could be a super impactful New Moon for you!

If you are ready to explore your Natal Chart, click here:

Eclipses bring twists, turns and surprises. Eclipses often reveal events that are destined, fated or inevitable.

Uranus, the planet of unpredictability, rebellion and surprises is in Taurus right now and will be sitting right next to both the Sun and the Moon at the time of the New Moon/ Solar Eclipse.

The keywords for this Taurus New Moon are Comfort, Values and Finances. It is a good time to enjoy life's pleasures- Music, Art, Nature, Beauty, Love.

If you know anything about New Moons, then you know it's the best time to set new intentions.

This is going to sound counterintuitive, but...don't set intentions at this New Moon!

The energy is just too powerful, volatile and unpredictable.

FLOW instead. Allow and embrace anything unexpected or surprising. Don't resist it. Invite it in.

The day before this New Moon, two additional things are happening, Mercury moves into Gemini and Pluto turns retrograde.

Mercury in Gemini- Mercury rules Gemini, so it loves being here. You may feel more sociable, curious and communicative, but also scattered and easily distracted (Heads Up! Mercury turns retrograde on May 10, 2022).

Pluto Retrograde- Pluto is the planet of passion, power, transformation and destruction. It retrogrades every year for a little over 5 months, so this is not unusual. Pluto is a very slow moving planet so the effect of the retrograde won't be immediate, it will be something that brings an important change, over time. This is a good period to go deep inside, reflect and make changes in long-standing patterns that no longer serve you.

At the time of the retrograde Pluto is making positive, beneficial aspects to Jupiter (luck), Venus (love) and Mercury (communication).

There will be a lot of volatile energy at this New Moon, but also some positive energy.

It might feel overwhelming! You may feel exhausted or down in the dumps. It's ok!

Do something that brings you pleasure! Maybe think about it ahead of time and put some plans in place (schedule in a nap, a do-nothing day, a spa day, visit a museum, go to a concert, work in the garden, meditate, visualize, do yoga).

May you flow through this New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Taurus!

P.S. The North Node in your Natal Chart is often referred to as the "Node of Destiny". For a limited time I am doing North Node/South Node Readings for a special low price. In this Reading, we will look at where your soul is rising to and what you are meant to leave behind during this lifetime. We meet on Zoom for 30-45 minutes, I provide you the audio recording of the session and a written report.

Click here if you would like a North Node/South Node Reading:


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