This New Moon in Cancer will occur on June 28 at 7:52 pm (PDT), 10:52 pm (EDT), 11:52 pm (ADT) and on June 29 at 3:52 am (London) and 12:52 pm (Sydney), adjust for your time wherever you are in the world.

Get ready for the New Moon in Cancer!
This June New Moon is occurring in the Cardinal, Water sign of Cancer. A Cancer New Moon is generally one of heightened emotions and feeling ALL the feels...
This New Moon has a different bit of energy attached to it. It might even feel like a Full Moon!
The Sun and the Moon are together in the sky at 7° Cancer. And 90° away is Jupiter, forming a tense square with both the Sun and the Moon.
Jupiter energy is big and expansive. With Jupiter in Aries, add bold and fiery friction to the mix!
At this New Moon, set intentions that set your soul on fire!
But, don't let the big energy knock you off your game! Stay grounded, connect with the people that love you and know you best.
Set goals or intentions around comfort, security, what feels good to you, nurturing yourself and your family.
The big question is: What do I need now to feel safe, comfortable and happy?
It might be job security, it might be spending more time with your family/friends or spending more time in nature or having more fun or having more down time or having daily routines that serve you...only you know!
The energy may make you feel like overdoing it in the Intentions Department, but go slow and stay focused.
Another aspect influencing this New Moon is Mars (in Aries) squaring Pluto (in Capricorn), two power planets squaring off! Add high energy, power and passion to the mix!
Again, I caution you to stay grounded and focused.
If you are feeling out of sorts and want to see what is going on personally for you in your chart, book in for a free, 15-minute clarity call. Click the link below:
Happy New Moon in Cancer! 💫🌚♋️💫
